Matplotlib Exercises
- Exercise 11.1: Plotting a function Plot the function
f(x) = sin2(x−2)e−x2 over the interval [0,2]. Add proper axis labels, a title, etc.
1 | import numpy as np |
- Exercise 11.2: Data Create a data matrix X with 20 observations of 10 variables. Generate a vector b with parameters Then generate the response vector y = Xb+z where z is a vector with standard normally distributed variables.
Now (by only using y and X), find an estimator for b, by solving
ˆ b = argmin ||Xb−y||2
Plot the true parameters b and estimated parameters ˆ b. See Figure 1 for an example plot.
1 | import numpy as np |
- Exercise 11.3: Histogram and density estimation Generate a vector z of 10000 observations from your favorite exotic distribution. Then make a plot that shows a histogram of z (with 25 bins), along with an estimate for the density, using a Gaussian kernel density estimator (see scipy.stats)
1 | import numpy as np |